Aimee Nimmo
Co-Owner Ally and Sid, Poet of the Dancing Wallflower and Creative of Harmony Church
Dear Aimee
Even before you started doing anything for Young Adults, I loved how enthusiastic you were to add that meaningful touch to Harmony. To many it was something something simple. Just doing beautiful prose and poetry for our instagram. But to me it signalled something more. It signalled for me the start of something even I couldn’t offer and only you could. It marked a moment in my church creative career when someone else came in with a different vision to church and how we present ourselves. It presented another language. That’s why I trust and love anything you want to implement. Anything that you want to add. Because for me the things you want to create isn’t just there to build the church but it is there to edify the community.
I trust your vision. I trust your eyes. One day you will be the best creative producer in this city.
Your workmate
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