Sam Nimmo
Co-Owner Ally and Sid, Young Adults Pastor of Harmony Church
Dear Sam
So a native nz forest is pretty remarkable. A healthy New Zealand bush has 4 types of plantlife.
There is the Emergent trees, the canopy layer, the bush or the undergrowth, and the grass or the forest floor. Each part has integral functions to make the forest what it is.
You have always been that gardener to me. You recognise how each part of the tree is important. You recognise the importance of the big rooted trees and how they function by keeping the soil intact. You see how they have the smallest leaves and recognise that they try their best to make sure the canopy trees receive light. You see the forest floor and see how it provides shelter for the much needed insect and keep the soil hydrated. You see it all and you garden each part equally.
That’s why I love seeing you talk to people, I love seeing how you so cater your heart to make sure it fits with other people.
I’m super thankful for you.
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