Ruby Reedy-Land
Social Entrepreneur / Curator of Oruoru Thrift Club / Muse
Dear Ruby
Not sure if you’ll end up reading this, but I love you and I trust your vision completely. I have been proud of you and everything you have done since the moment we became the great friends we are now. The reason why I love doing anything for you is because - well - you know how sometimes most people are fine seeing a waterfall, or hearing the sound of beautiful music.
Most people are absolutely satisfied with that and won’t have the urge to see what produces all these things that are so damn beautiful.
But you are the lake that supplies river that trickles down to create the waterfall.
You are the bird among the leaves is singing a lullaby in the forest.
You are the thing that makes a lot of things in life beautiful.
I just think that God must have been extra inspired when heaven decided to make you.
I can’t wait for all the incredible, joyful and beautiful things we will get to do in the future.
You’re my muse. You are my most beautiful friend.
Yours, Allen.
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