Jayden Wall
Events & Wedding Photographer
Dear Jayden.
You will be the best of all of us. A lot of life is a mixture of your innate talent, the hard work you put in and how well you pick yourself up when you inevitably don't live up to your own or other peoples expectations. That is a part of growing up and maturing as an artist. The last few years I've not only seen your insane inherent talent pop through, the sweat you pour through your art and the enduring spirit you carry when artistic times are a struggle. You keep going. You keep getting better. It's honestly insane at how incredible you already are at your age. I deliberately love showing you around and telling people about you only because I genuinely think that people will be blessed by you.
I don't know what path you will end up taking or what root you decide to really grasp onto. But I will be your fan and forever declare that you will be the best of all of us.
your friend, Allen
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